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Optimism during the pandemic: 'From Stage to Construction'


MONACOR as solution provider for PA projects is launching the campaign 'From Stage to Construction' at the beginning of February to show especially event technicians the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

The event industry is in a catastrophic situation at the beginning of 2021. No one knows when trade fairs, concerts and parties will be allowed to take place again and whether the market will return to normal at all in the near future. However, there is one sector that is resisting Corona with great defiance: the construction industry. Construction continues even during the pandemic. So while the event industry might be very slow to get back on its feet, the construction industry is putting up more and more new buildings that require professional PA technology. In many cases, this means audio technology for background music or simply for voice alarm systems. However, that buildings are being constructed at all is cause for optimism from the point of view of the PA industry. Furthermore, construction is getting increasingly modern.

“Therefore, dear event technicians and stage technicians, you can do it! And we would like to accompany you as best we can on the bumpy road out of this pandemic,” summarises Michael Korte, Marketing Director at MONACOR, the campaign.

With 'From Stage to Construction', MONACOR offers interested event, stage and AV technicians a training, support and partner programme completely free of charge.

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